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Arch (Architecture)

Represents an architecture. Here are all values supported where also a distribution of Bifröst is available for. See distributions for available values.

Data types

A collection of simple data-types used within Bifröst. More complex ones are defined on their dedicated pages.

Authorized Keys

These are usually files in the home directory of each user, located at ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. These files are in the format:

<key-type> <encoded-public-key>[ <comment>]

They contain SSH Public Keys.


ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIC80lm5FQbbyRUut6RwZJRbxTLO3W4f08ITDi9fA3+jx me@foo.tld
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAACAQDIGYzqJpPf3shQVGo98xMdl5S4LJmWme3i+sPcYseRrKziAWWGc8xzLUGnRwVe5X5v7J+IaHZ0dpnelylbnDwEvQTX+8gZybcL8RpS6u5dKqmKTv12SqcucpGStQ3O0Ec3MnRKEeMoJXIdqIVxuXxC8863H42KzkBvDjZn4qasF8IOVpGSC4+i93bNKScN6epQYzKcPCmZSSAnZJPgih0y1Z6+yNOJd+6PAFXmhBOh7yU0Ypne9szj/6o3YrPuNUj762CZyjg7ivQI/DvxwnUA2X8dnb2pyD4CGrr6YduWMl2xqUEDerNVaPc+I63QR8gIUYYmAs5uQwrDI4U0aWpC7erLMsNRa8C+YUdX+rV2+lJWSH8/k2NGrT1FoG5PWHmZTIe4juKIlAArzDAE6shauM3j4b4YLhly6mySXxT9m+EPtcrZjdEg76/0FylFUH70dx0Wf7lt50cLQIoXCJVovp/w95J6FVMYACl1y/sbDzmirg2PQkqkrr3MZnNY88jI/OuyZYAHNIjMkbriaFIkFBK4epGhsIIpsArPS8ZGZTQNBrrYWF+pf8JvJ1NaoLP+JKUP/A7l1KsqCKK3sWIRY7u8n8McK0VQMig4duHHtZ+aUGhZd/+m19UG1gg7QPUffZQM0RIPWWcsklrmlvzBqVcxgHXkZOoFqzc9WyewWQ== me-legacy@foo.tld

Docker Pull Credentials

To pull from an OCI/Docker image registry there can be credentials required. In these cases usually they have to be provided in this format.

Bifröst accept them in the following formats:

  1. Base64 URL encoded JSON of format {"username":"<username>","password":"<password>"} or {"auth":"<base64 encoded auth token>"}
  2. JSON of format {"username":"<username>","password":"<password>"} or {"auth":"<base64 encoded auth token>"} ... which will be:
    1. base64 URL encoded by Bifröst. -> result will be as 1.
  3. A bare auth token ... which will be:
    1. base64 URL encoded,
    2. put into {"auth":"<encoded bare auth token>"} JSON and
    3. finally base64 URL encoded by Bifröst. -> result will be as 1.

DSA Restriction

Can be one of:

  • none
  • all
  • at-least-1024-bits
  • at-least-2048-bits
  • at-least-3072-bits


A duration of time of Go flavor. Examples: 300ms, 6s, 5m, 12h or combined 12h5m6s300ms.

ED25519 Restriction

Can be one of:

  • none
  • all
  • at-least-256-bits

ECDSA Restriction

Can be one of:

  • none
  • all
  • at-least-256-bits
  • at-least-384-bits
  • at-least-521-bits

Flow Name

Identifies flows. It has to fulfill the regular expression [a-z][a-z0-9]+.

File Mode

The permissions to access a file in octal notation. See Oracles documentation for more details.

File Path

A location of a file on the local file system. Like /foo/bar


Represents a host(-name), which can be either an IPv4, IPv6 or DNS name.


Configuration file in YAML format that defines how to access a Kubernetes cluster. See official Kubernetes documentation for more details.

Log Color Mode

Can be one of:

  • auto
  • always
  • never

Log Format

Can be one of:

  • text
  • json

Log Level

Can be one of:

  • INFO
  • WARN

Net Address

Socket address in format [<Host>]:<port>.

Os (Operating System)

Represents an operating system. Here are all values supported where also a distribution of Bifröst is available for. See distributions for available values.


Represents an encoded or plain password that can be evaluated if it does match a requested one.

Password Type

Can be one of:

  • plain
  • bcrypt

Pull Policy

Can be one of:

  • ifAbsend: The resource (e.g. an image) is pulled only if it is not already present locally.
  • always: Everytime a context is crated (for example a new environment) the latest version of the resource will be pulled from the remote registry (for example an image). It does not matter if the resource does already exist or not. No matter if the resource (like images) is based on digest or of the digest is the same, the digest is the same, the corresponding sub-resources will not be pulled.
  • never: The resource (like an image) has to be present. Otherwise, the process will fail.


Regular expression of Go flavor. You can play around with it at

RSA Restriction

Can be one of:

  • none
  • all
  • at-least-1024-bits
  • at-least-2048-bits
  • at-least-3072-bits
  • at-least-4096-bits

SSH Public Key

The public variant of an SSH keypair of a user.

Please refer to the good documentation at GitHub how to create SSH (public) keys.


Represents a classical URL to reference resources (for example) in the internet, like