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Contributing Guidelines

Contributions are welcome via GitHub Pull Requests ("PR"). This document outlines the process to help you get your contribution accepted.

Any kind of contribution is welcome, from adding new features or bug fixes to improving the documentation. However, Engity will review the proposals and perform a triage over them. By doing so, we will ensure that the most valuable contributions for the community will be implemented in due time.

How to Contribute

  1. Fork this repository, develop, and test your changes.
  2. Submit a pull request.
  3. Read and agree to our Contributor License Agreement as requested in the pull request.

Technical Requirements

When submitting a PR, make sure that it:

PR Approval

  1. Changes are manually reviewed by Engity's Bifröst team members.
  2. When the PR passes all tests, the PR is merged by the reviewer(s) in the GitHub main branch.

Release process


There are no fixed cycles for releases. Currently, they are triggered as soon bugfixes, security updates or main features arrive.


First of all prepare the release notes as usual and merge them.

Once the release notes are ready, a release train is launched by tagging from main to vX.Y.Z.


The vX.Y.Z tag will go through the release CI.